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Curriculum for schoolkids

Heritage Plants and Gardening for School Childrens

Target group: This curriculum is for school children of age 11 to 12

Location: Carry out in any open air museum or collaborative garden. 

Staff: You can carry out the program with one supervisor per 10 children. 

Duration: 1.5h.

Preparation: Working tools: spades, rakes, gardening string, seeds

Getting together. The supervisor explains why seed sowing is important and introduces the following activities. 

  • Take a look at the seeds together with the children. Tell children about seeds and different plants.

  • Start digging the soil with a spade (you may want to carry out this job already before children arrives)

  • Prepare the beds according to how many different cultivars you need to sow

  • Measure a string that is as long as the plant bed

  • Fasten a wooden stick in both sides of the string

  • Use the string in order to mark the plant bed edges so that it will be straight

  • Level the sowing bed with a rake

  • Draw up the seed sowing line

  • Sow the seeds

  • Label each sawing bed

Evaluation of the work carried out: Each child is asked in turn to tell their own opinion about the job done. What was difficult? What was fun? It is important that each child will say something as the learning will occur first after the reflection. 

Power in Numbers




Duration (hours)


Staff needed

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